Filter Grid

You can test the advanced filters extension using the grid below.

Enter aa into the Symbol field. Now try "aa".

Enter /[0-9]/ into the Name field.

Enter 100 to 200 into the Price field.

Enter med systems into the Name field.

Enter plc | ltd into the Name field.

Enter systems into the Name field. Now try systems & ! adobe.

Enter < 2 into the Dividend Yield field. Now try < 2 | "".

Enter 1.2 into the Dividend Yield field. Now try =1.2.

Enter \& into the Name field to search for names containing the & character.

Displaying 161-170 of 496 results.
SymbolNamePriceDividend YieldEarnings / Share
ABCAmerisourceBergen Corp92.211.081.178
LUKLeucadia National23.071.090.587
AVGOAvago Technologies103.991.100.988
BRCMBroadcom Corp43.901.100.728
BHIBaker Hughes57.021.112.958
KRKroger Co60.981.123.221
APCAnadarko Petroleum79.071.13-4.212
MCOMoody's Corp98.591.134.419
ELEstee Lauder Co74.661.132.891
LNCLincoln National57.411.145.618

Data provided by GitHub datasets and originally sourced from the S&P 500 website.

Quick Guide

word1 word2 All words
"search term" Exact
#search term# Substring
/regex/ RegEx
n1 to n2 Between
< n1 Less than
<= n1 or equal
> n1 Greater
>= n1 or equal
= n1 Equal
! filter Invert
filter1 | filter2 Or
filter1 & filter2 And
Escape a modifier with \.