Filter Grid

You can test the advanced filters extension using the grid below.

Enter aa into the Symbol field. Now try "aa".

Enter /[0-9]/ into the Name field.

Enter 100 to 200 into the Price field.

Enter med systems into the Name field.

Enter plc | ltd into the Name field.

Enter systems into the Name field. Now try systems & ! adobe.

Enter < 2 into the Dividend Yield field. Now try < 2 | "".

Enter 1.2 into the Dividend Yield field. Now try =1.2.

Enter \& into the Name field to search for names containing the & character.

Displaying 21-30 of 496 results.
SymbolNamePriceDividend YieldEarnings / Share
WINWindstream Holdings9.7010.300.255
WHRWhirlpool Corp188.831.539.426
WFMWhole Foods Market48.290.981.560
WFCWells Fargo55.032.484.080
WECWisconsin Energy Corp50.142.332.680
WDCWestern Digital105.071.356.389
WATWaters Corp115.454.937
WAGWalgreen Co68.601.922.000
VZVerizon Communications48.614.394.629

Data provided by GitHub datasets and originally sourced from the S&P 500 website.

Quick Guide

word1 word2 All words
"search term" Exact
#search term# Substring
/regex/ RegEx
n1 to n2 Between
< n1 Less than
<= n1 or equal
> n1 Greater
>= n1 or equal
= n1 Equal
! filter Invert
filter1 | filter2 Or
filter1 & filter2 And
Escape a modifier with \.